I ate a snail!
was gross, but I’m on a mission so I had to eat it all. They took it out of the
shell and placed it in a soup. It wasn’t
terrible. It kind of tasted like the
sidewalk after its been rained on..... also, I ate a goat’s small and large
intestine. (actually, I can’t prove that, but it looked like a piece of it and
was a bit harder to chew through than normal) I’m excited for the day I get to
go home and be a picky eater again! But Ghana is wonderful!
Other than that, I don’t remember
what we did. There was the celebration
for the 40th anniversary of the revelation on the priesthood. We watched how the church had grown in West Africa
to 100 stakes in 40 years and 75 of them within the last 10 years. Truly a
stone cut without hands till it engulfs the whole world.
The church is true. It can be hard to remember sometimes but it
is Jesus Christ’s church. He established
it and he leads it. He is the
Other than that, not much exciting
happened. I got transferred to Wejia. It’s in Accra, next to the only mall in the
mission…okay one of 2, but still! Call
me a scared boy because that’s too much white people. I can’t be around white people. I fear them.
It’s weird, but not really. I get uncomfortable in places that are nicer. I don’t know but yea that’s my news. More about it next week I guess
love you all be happy
-Elder Ellsworth