I don’t remember what happened. All I remember is I fell asleep yesterday at an investigators house (we were stuck for a while inside because of a huge rainfall) It was actually kind of cold. It was nice!
The worst part about the rain (other than we cannot see people) is the showers are SO COLD afterwards because our water is held in a big above ground tank that is always cold but when it rains, it’s worse. If it wasn't Africa, it probably would freeze :) That reminds me, my egg this morning was frozen! It was weird taking it out of its shell to cook it. (that doesn't relate to anything but it came to my mind so that means you all need to know it.) Breakfast was good! :)
This week was good. We spent a lot of time with our zone leaders
for reasons that aren’t the best reasons.
It wasn’t bad; it just wasn’t the most effective use of our time. Some nights it rained and we didn't go to our
apartment until we had to so we could wait out the rain. People here act like
witches when it rains(meaning they think rain will melt you)! Now I know from experience it won’t but They don’t
accept it so no work will progress during rain or maybe that’s just what they
tell you so they can sleep--they being people who want to sleep :).
I should just send you
my companion’s weekly email because his is funny and mine is weird :). But we had some pretty cool people that we
saw. One of them was a media referral. Yes! People in Ghana can use the internet.
We did service on Friday. We went to a member’s house that just broke
her door that day. It was pretty cool
how we got there. We were riding to an
investigator’s house and I just had the thought to go to this member’s home, so
we went and she had locked herself out of her house. She kicked the door in and the lock broke so Elder
Lundquist and I fixed it. That was so
cool to see the spirit at work. While we
were there another sister texted us and asked us to come and help to dedicate
her new place, but me being dyslexic (or something) read “decorate”. So we invited the Zone Leaders, but I told
them it was to decorate, so they came in p-day clothes ready to decorate a
house. you see the problem? YeaH, so it was a fun night of making fun of
me :). Don’t worry I don’t get offended.
This week I also read
about charity and I’m coming to understand it a bit better. Next week I’ll give you as simple version of
it. As I ponder it in my heart and mind I
know I will eventually understand it and that is a promise from the Lord, so it
will work for you as well :)
Love you all! I forgot
my camera but I’ll send the pictures Elder Lundquist took :) We slept at the Zone Leaders apartment, so I
slept on their extra table. It was
raining hard-hard!
From Brandon’s
Anyways, this week it
rained a lot! The roads in Ghana are basically all made of sand so that causes
a problem for those of us that ride bikes around all day every day. However, we
love doing it and it makes it pretty funny to look at our shirts every night
because they get SO DIRTY. All I can say is that I am supremely thankful for
whoever put the mud guards on the bike that I am using.
We met with a new man
this week by the name of Augustus Amoah, who found the church through it's
online services. We hadn't been able to meet with him in a few weeks, but he
was really persistent. He even called Salt Lake City to make sure we were
coming, which resulted in a really friendly phone call from a Sister serving in
Salt Lake City mission asking if we had set an appointment with him. This man
REALLY wanted his Book of Mormon which is AWESOME.
One problem, Elder
Ellsworth and I are actually out of Book of Mormons (Totally our fault, but all
is well.) Luckily, we were able to find the Book of Mormon I had purchased in
the MTC to place on the airplane over here (Which, as you can tell, never quite
happened) but it was awesome that I didn't place it because now Augustus has a
nice, fresh, hard cover Book of Mormon delivered all the way from America. He
was super happy about it sooo, I am too. We had an awesome, spiritual lesson
with him about the Book of Mormon and he understood it well the first time we
taught it which was sweet! That doesn't happen often here.
Also because it rained
this week, one night it rained so hard we actually had to sleep over at the
Zone Leaders Apartment. I chose the floor with the extra mattress, and Elder
Ellsworth chose the table. When asked why he chose the table, he simply said
"Why not?" which is why I love Elder Ellsworth.
Another reason I love
Elder Ellsworth is that yesterday, we were sitting in Big Man Town at a Recent
Converts house (Those recent converts being the 4 boys, we are now teaching
their mother) but their mother was not available. They were making Jollof for
Palm Sunday so since it looked like it was coming to rain me and Elder
Ellsworth decided that we would stay and help them cook dinner. I took up a
fan, and starting to fan the coal pot (Basically a charcoal grill) and kept
fanning until (Guess What!) it started to rain. We took the coal pot inside,
and I continued to fan the coal pot for another 2 hours. We ate the jollof by
candle light, to which Elder Ellsworth exclaimed, "Wow, you're treating me
to a candle lit dinner you prepared yourself." Photos attached. (Somehow.
I tried to put them inline but instead if you want to look you'll have to
download them! Sorry! D:)
This week, we were
supposed to have a confirmation for Edmond but sadly however he was not able to
come to church on time so it will have to be pushed until next week. We are
also planning on baptizing Emmanuela this week and she is VERY excited for
that! She has been well prepared as she has been attending Sunday School for a
while, but we are excited that she has made the choice to be baptized.
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