I'm gonna go get a free drink from rose...
The subject of this email is really so the person sitting next to me, Elder Wilcox (my Zone leader can see). Rose is a girl who sells drinks just outside the cafe we use for emailing . We really probably should give her a pamphlet, but she's kind of in the "dead zone" of the mission. It's a market area, so we don't send missionaries there. That reminds me, my companion downloaded A talk from Brad Wilcox about Grace and Brad Wilcox, it turns out is my Zone Leader's uncle. So that's really cool. I first heard that talk sophomore year of high school and it honestly just changed everything for me. I don't know why, but it did. :) (so listen to it) :)
Other than that, this week wasn't too effective for missionary work. Our good friend, Emmanuella entered into the waters of baptism on Saturday and then on Sunday was confirmed. The sweetest part of all of this was when we asked her (shes about 13 years old) how she felt she said "I feel really good ever since my baptism yesterday and my confirmation today, I just felt good. The church is true." This church is true and we really do have the Priesthood or authority from God to perform the ordinances and when done with the correct authority will lead us back to our Heavenly Father to progress for eternity.
Something that makes me sad and concerned, but also is a drive was in another one of the talks Elder Lundquist downloaded. It was that the people who go into the Terrestrial Kingdom and lower stop progressing. Now this makes sense and is true. It's bold, but very true.
Overall a good week, but I can do better so I will.
Hope everyone back home is good
Love you all!!

old picture :)
A recent convert took my camera
Sorry no pictures, but my hair is bad :) I'm alive-- don't worry
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